Avery made it home. It took two days and three airlines before we got it right. Long story. She slept most of both flights. We had to change planes in Dallas. (Last minute tickets can be slim pickins.) When we got there, our connecting flight was scheduled to leave 10 minutes after we disembarked. Brianna pushed Aaron in the stroller and I carried Avery in her carseat from one end of the terminal to the other. We were more concerned with speed than grace. Grandma Loretta (Janet's mom) calls this "hotfooting it." The connecting flight was already boarding. We made it! Whew! Avery again slept the whole flight. We were so relieved when we landed. As we left the secure area I could see Brad and all of the kids waiting for us. I was so happy to see them and to be home that I burst into tears. Stephen wanted to hold Avery right there. We had to stop on the way to the baggage claim to change two poopy diapers. Aaron and Avery. Avery made a big poopy diaper on the second flight. Good work, Avery!