Monday, January 24, 2011

Dancing doing dishes

Beautiful Dancer

We sometimes find it easier to get the kitchen cleaned up after dinner if we have some good music playing. Tonight everyone was dancing around the kitchen and Avery really rocked out. Her shirt is missing because it got wet and after dinner is pajama time- no need to get a new shirt just to take it off again. So excuse her shirtlessness.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Aaron and Avery at Breakfast

All dressed up!

Christmas Morning. The kids all line up, youngest to oldest to come down to get their stockings. Stockings are our favorite part. We all write love notes to each other and put them in our stockings. After stockings we ate breakfast and then opened presents.

The nativity pageant: Every Christmas we act out Luke 2. This year Avery was Mary. She and Aaron sat in the wagon that Aaron got for Christmas while we did our pageant. It was much better than the traditional donkey!

Running around in her red pajamas!

Avery has a very soft spot for babies. This is her opening her Christmas Eve present. She looked concerned until we freed the baby from its packaging. During the holiday we went to see Toy Story 3. Every time the big baby appeared on screen she would coo "baby!" It was kind of a creepy baby doll, but Avery was totally enamored with it. At the climax of the movie, the "bad bear" pushed the baby doll. Avery screamed at the top of her lungs "BABY!" She cried until we sorted out that the baby was really okay.

Decorating the Christmas tree.

One of Avery's cheery morning smiles.