Saturday, July 24, 2010

Navajo Lake 2010

Wading in the lake.
Avery and Aaron taking a raft ride.
Avery watching Rachel make a mess on her face licking the spoon from making dutch oven gluten free brownies. 

Navajo Lake

setting up at the beach!
Avery's cool shades
Throwing rocks in the lake
Avery headed straight for the water when we first arrived at the lake. (We don't have a picture of it.) We were all standing on the edge of the water looking at it and she waded right in and laid down in the water just like this. She was fully clothed.

Summer Vacation

It is that time of year... time to go to the lake. Instead of our usual stop for breakfast (too many people in our family are gluten intolerant to have a peaceful meal anywhere that serves pancakes) we ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant for an early lunch on our way. Avery is totally playing to the camera this morning!
Avery gargling pinto beans and chips.

Our Angel!

This is Mom's favorite picture. We have about 5 of these. Every time we say "smile" now, Avery gives us this amazing squint-eyed, nose scrunched beam! She is so amazing!