Avery is starting to say many new things. Just this week she has said
new words. She is mimicking us. Today she brought me a fork while we
were making lunch and said "hungry." She is saying "yes." Yay! (It
sounds like "Yesh.")
She is just getting over a mild stomach bug. Both of her brothers had
it last week. They were barely sick. She had a low fever last night.
She never threw up though. Today she is right as rain.
The weather is just getting chilly. We got out the fall clothes and
Avery doesn't fit even some of her 2T shirts. She is getting so big.
She is so cute in her sleeper pjs. They are just a tiny bit too long so
she walks very deliberately in them. It looks like she is marching.
We took some video of her dancing. I can't find it. It won't be hard
to recapture. She is always dancing.