Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 2009
Avery is starting to sit up. Not on her own yet, but if we sit her up she can stay up quite a while. She is starting to get frustrated with only rolling. She wants to go places and reach things by herself. She is a highly motivated girl!
My (Janet's) dental hygienist gave me a tooth brush for Avery. She said we should brush her teeth before they come in so she won't fuss about getting her teeth brushed. It took nine kids to learn this! We can feel two teeth on the bottom but they aren't in yet. Lots of time to practice brushing teeth. So far Avery likes the tooth brush. She especially likes the training toothpaste. (I've tasted it. It is very good!)
Date Night We try to go out regularly and a few times a year we get away overnight without all of the kids. (Good marriage advice we've been working on perfecting for about 10 years.) This weekend we spent one night at a nearby resort. Avery went with us. (All nursing babies are exempt from the "without kids" definition of date night.) We took a walk, watched a movie, ate too many desserts and in the morning we watched Native American dancers while we ate homemade bread. Avery really liked the dancing. This is her and Brad sitting on the patio watching the "grass dance."