Saturday, April 4, 2009

Avery is holding still for a minute. She found something to play with. She is starting to be interested in objects for longer periods of times. She really likes this particular teething toy. (No teeth yet). She loves her plastic links, and we have an O-ball that she can really hang onto that she tries to get into her mouth. She is at the stage that she puts everything in her mouth. She is exploring the world mouth first!
Avery is being gregarious here. She has a great voice. She "talks" and "sings." She is no shrinking violet.
We've had some nice weather. A couple of weeks ago we went to the zoo. Avery really liked being outside and riding in the stroller . She especially liked the duck pond. We could get close enough to the birds for her to see them.
Avery is rolling all over now. There were a couple of weeks she could only roll onto her tummy and that was super frustrating to her. She didn't like to be on her tummy very long. She quickly learned to roll to her back. Now she can make it across the room in a few seconds. When she rolls up against a wall or a piece of furniture she is annoyed. She is so smart!